Spend v. Budgeted and Spend & Fees

Understand your spend and fee snapshots.

Budgeting 101 gives you an overview of the feature and how to get started. Understand your budgeting spend and fee snapshots inside the Crafty Dashboard

crafty website dashboard

Spend v. Budgeted

This graph will show how your spending compares to your budget for a selected date range (see the above example). You can see a quick view of the remaining spending in the table below. This row will be color-coded for an easy glance at how your budget is tracking! If you want more granular budget info, click the "View more details" link (more on that later).

crafty budget tool


Hovering over the pie chart will highlight that category's spend and outline what percent of the total spend it makes up.

Spend & Fees

This pie chart will show a breakdown of your spend in four categories:

  • Product Spend
  • Labor Spend
  • Equipment Fees
  • Management Fees

crafty tracking

The spend numbers are calculated as a total within the date ranges selected at the top. Clicking the "View more details" link will allow clients to customize dates and see a more detailed breakdown of each category's spend vs. budget.

The icon on the top right of this page will allow you to download all the data from both sections in a .pdf or .xls format. Click the "Go to Spend v. Budgeted" link to return to the previous view.


For more budgeting help or to get started, contact our support team for more assistance.