My Products in the Crafty Platform

The My Products section of the platform gives Crafty users a view into all of the office kitchen and pantry products that are actively stocked in their locations.

The My Products section of the Crafty Platform provides a digital layout of the office kitchen and pantry products physically stocked across all of your locations. 
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The My Products section gives visibility to a ton of important data our team uses to manage your product portfolio:
  • Stocking locations - you'll be able to see which products are stocked in specific locations (by kitchen, floor, building, and city).  The "Locations" filter at the top of the page will allow you to customize which locations you are viewing, and the "Available in the following locations" section of the page will allow you to click a specific location to see each product specifically in that location.
  • Price - you'll be able to see and compare pricing across different cities.  Crafty's pricing is regionalized, so pricing will often differ market-by-market.
  • Reorder Threshold - the Reorder Threshold is used in our Inventory Center and is our trigger for replenishment.  It is the point at which we will actually place another order.  
  • Reorder Up To Threshold - when we have triggered a reorder, the Reorder Up To Threshold is our ceiling of how much to order without over-ordering. 
  • Delivery Days - it doesn't make sense to take inventory of every product on every day (and subsequently deliver those products), so we show you the delivery days of each individual product.
  • Delivery History - you'll get to see all of the delivery history for that individual product over the last 30 days.
  • Inventory Counts - you'll get to see all of the inventory counts for that individual product over the last 30 days.
And at the top left of the page, you have access to Product Reporting where you'll be able to quickly chart the delivery history of any individual product(s) and compare that against any other products.  To read more about our Reporting capabilities, take a look here.
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Interested in learning more about the My Products section?  Hit the chatbot to reach out to our team!