Reporting in the Crafty Platform

Navigate the reporting and analytics section of your platform!

Welcome to your numbers!
Across the top of the platform, you have some major filters. You can look at certain Programs and/or certain Locations.

Every Account has a single food service program (e.g., Office Kitchen, Corporate Catering) and a single location (i.e., their address down to the suite or floor), which means that you can filter for both programs and locations at the same time!

  • By Program - we organize your Crafty life into programs, such as Kitchen, Cafe, or Catering. Every order will fall into one of these programs, which will allow you to organize and filter your spend by category (Coffee & Tea, Pantry, Equipment, etc.).
  • By Location - whether you have offices in different cities, across different buildings, or multiple floors in a single location,  you’ll be able to filter your reporting all the way down to a specific floor or suite! 

This is really great when you want to see all of your spend for your Kitchen Program in Chicago (or even down to a single building!).

You can look at specific Payment Profiles.

  • By Payment Profile - many of our clients are managing multiple budgets with Crafty. We create a different payment profile for each budget, and our reporting will enable you to break out your activities by payment profile. Check out our Billing section below to get the two scoops on payment profiles.

This is really great when you want to see all of your orders that were billed via Credit Card or all of your orders that were invoiced to a specific budget.

Let's break down each report and talk about what they can do.

  • Product Reporting - Want to see how much your team spends on produce? How about seeing what gluten-free products you’ve stocked over the last 6 months? Simple. This can all be done under “Product Reports” in the reporting section of your platform. Under the product filters that live just above the search bar on the left-hand side, you can either select “Product Characteristics” (e.g. vegan, gluten-free, women-owned) or “Collections” (e.g. beverages, produce, cleaning products).

Types of Reports: Product Report vs. Detailed Product Report

Product report is a quick view of each product’s gross spend. This will give you your total spend on a particular product or set of products over a period of time, minus taxes.

Detailed product report shows the breakdown of spend for each product for every month of that selected time period (i.e. spend on products on a month-by-month basis) and it is viewable by day, week, month, quarter, and year!

  • Total Spend - this is (and I know we're going to blow your mind with this) your total spend with Crafty! This includes everything, even taxes, for all your accounts and locations. However, your total spend is not finalized until the week after the next month (i.e. the 7th of the next month). Operator fees will appear in total spend and they typically get added at the end of the month or beginning of the following month in a lump sum once all data is collected. 
  • Account Spend -  in Crafty terms, an “Account” is any one program in one location (e.g., Denver Office, Kitchen, Floor 2). This report allows you to compare your spend across your various Accounts. Operator fees are included here as well. Note, if there are 2+ accounts in the same building, fees may be lumped into one order on one of the accounts (so they may not be split evenly across all the accounts).
  • Category Spend - at Crafty, we assign every single product to a category, and this report allows you to see how your spend is split across those categories. This is the place where you can compare how much you're spending on supplies versus coffee & tea. Categories include: 
    • Coffee, Tea & Cocoa
    • Beverages
    • Perishables
    • Pantry, Supplies
    • Services
    • Catering
    • Parts & Equipment
    • Other
    • Crafty Box 
Overview vs Detailed View
  • Overview is a quick view of each category's gross spend. This will show your total spend on a particular category over a period of time, minus taxes. Categories within here are organized by most spend to least spend.
  • Detailed view shows the breakdown of spend in each category for every month of that selected time period (i.e. spend on products on a month-by-month basis) and it is viewable by day, week, month, quarter, and year.
  • Subcategory Spend - you've heard of category Spend, well this is the remix! Well, sort of... it's a level deeper into where your spend is going, by subcategory. A category can have many subcategories, for instance, a subcategory of "Beverages" would be "Water & Sparkling" or "Sodas."  
    •  Overview vs Detailed View This is the exact same as above only with subcategories! 

Let's do a sample search and we'll talk through how to get the info!


Let's say we want to know how much we spent in our Chicago office in our kitchen program, but specifically on the cereal ordered in the last three months? Easy! 

  1. Head to the "Product Report" section 
  2. Click the “Program” dropdown and choose the option “Kitchen”
  3. Click the “Locations” dropdown and choose the option “Chicago”
  4. Click the “Select a report type” dropdown and choose the option “Product Report”
  5. Select the cereal brands your company purchases on the left-hand side under the category “Breakfast”
  6. Select your date range 
  7. Finally, click “Run Report”
  8. Voilà! You'll get a gorgeous result!  Here’s an example:

See that little down-facing arrow in the upper right-hand corner? If you click that, it'll give you the option to download your current view as .xlsx or .pdf, so you can send the info around to whoever needs to see it! 

That's it! If you have questions about other sections, feel free to hit up our main Crafty Platform article which has even more helpful info!

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